"I am running for the school board because I firmly believe that every child deserves access to a quality education. As a parent of six children who have attended public schools, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by both families and educators within our current system.

My commitment lies in the creation and advocacy of common-sense policies that prioritize academic excellence. It is imperative that we equip students with the necessary real-world skills to thrive in today's increasingly competitive global society.

Furthermore, I strongly advocate for the support and inclusion of programs such as visual arts, music, and sports, recognizing their crucial role in nurturing students' overall growth. These programs should not be sidelined; instead, they should be actively encouraged and integrated into our educational framework."






Parents play a crucial role in their children's education. By recognizing parents as the primary educators and stakeholders, we can foster a stronger partnership between schools and families, ultimately benefiting students' educational experience and outcomes.  We must respect and support parental rights in education and facilitate the parent's desire to give their children a quality education.


"Our children should never become subjects in social engineering experiments. It is imperative that our policies prioritize the well-being and development of every child, regardless of their circumstances, ensuring equal opportunities for success, particularly for those with Exceptional Student Education (ESE) needs. Effective communication between parents and educators is paramount in securing positive outcomes for their children."


"As a parent of six and part of a family of educators, I intimately understand the challenges teachers encounter and the support they require to facilitate student success. By prioritizing the well-being and equipping our educators with resources, we foster a safer and more conducive learning atmosphere for our children. Providing teachers with tools, aides, and creative freedom empowers them to employ engaging and effective teaching methods, thus benefiting the entire educational community."

                                                   ACADEMICS AND TRADES

"Our education standards are currently in a critical state, demanding an assertive response to elevate academic excellence. It's imperative to prioritize improvements in academic standards while also offering comprehensive tutoring and college preparation courses. Additionally, we must broaden avenues for those interested in vocational training, particularly in sectors like Construction, Transportation, Computer Technologies, and Logistics. Collaborating with industry partners to establish internship programs can furnish students with invaluable hands-on experience, paving the way for future success."











On November 5, 2024, vote for Reginald Blount
for Duval County School Board District 5

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Reginald ``Reggie`` Blount for Duval County School Board District 5, NONPARTISAN
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